NEASA has partnered with attorneys, Vogel Inc., to bring employers an innovative, user-friendly platform, designed to provide employers with access to affordable legal services across a comprehensive spectrum of legal fields. 

While NEASA continues to provide expert and specialised labour law legal services to its members, it has recognised the diverse legal needs of employers. As a result, NEASA now provides access to assistance by experts in other legal disciplines, including but not limited to:

  • civil litigation;
  • property law;
  • family law;
  • estate law; and
  • criminal litigation.

By partnering with Vogel Inc., NEASA has established a vast network of vetted and expert lawyers ready to assist members of the public with their legal needs outside of the labour law regime.

This innovative platform allows users to:

  • easily describe their legal needs;
  • securely upload their FICA documents;
  • promptly be allocated to the most suitable legal expert for personalised assistance;
  • conveniently schedule online or in-person consultations with their designated lawyer;
  • seamlessly upload any required and relevant documents;
  • directly communicate with their lawyer; and
  • track the progress and developments on their respective legal matters. 

Estimated costs are also generated transparently for users to elect whether to proceed with the service offering or not. 

If you require legal assistance, click here to register.